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【Beginner】Most Basic Grammar Structure

Updated: Mar 20, 2019

This post explains desu form, da form and past form of desu and da form with some example sensences!

Basic Structure

Most basic English grammar structure is SVO ( subject-verb-object), but most basic Japanese grammar structure is considered to be SOV (subject-object-verb). It seems confusing, but as you practice, you will be able to make easy sentences like I'm Taro in Japanese. What makes it more confusing is that sometimes we say things without a subject. So it's like OV (object-verb), but in formal situations, most sentences are going to be SOV, so let's get used to SOV structure first! By the time you get used to SOV structure, you'll have been able to understand what a sentence means if it's without a subject.

I Taro am

わたしは たろう です。

(watshi) (Tarou) (desu)

です (desu) form (formal)

Desu form is the most common copula in Japanese. There are other ones such as da, degozaimasu, etc but if you're not sure which one is right to use, use desu form. In most cases, it's safe to use and you'll be fine. When you talk to someone you just met, you should use desu form. If you use degozaimasu form, they would feel weird because degozaimasu form is too formal to use in the situation.

わたしは - I です - am

(watashi wa) (desu)

あなたは - you です - are

(anata wa) (desu)

かれは - he です - is

(kere wa) (desu)

かのじょは - she です - is

(kanojo wa) (desu)

わたしたちは - we です - are

(watashitachi wa) (desu)

かれらは - they です - are

(karera wa) (desu)


あなたはりょうです。 You’re Ryo.


(anata wa ryo desu)

かれはせんせいです。 He’s a teacher.

(kare wa sensei desu)

だ (Da) form (informal)

This is the most ibformal verson of desu. Da form is used when you talk to your friends whom you know well. How to use this form is very easy and if you already know how to use desu, you just have to exchange desu with da.

わたしは - I だ - am

(watashi wa) (da)

あなたは - you だ - are

(anata wa) (da)

かれは - he だ - is

(kere wa) (da)

かのじょは - she だ - is

(kanojo wa) (da)

わたしたちは - we だ - are

(watashitachi wa) (da)

かれらは - they だ - are

(karera wa) (da)


わたしはゆうとだ。 I'm Yuto.

(watashi wa yuto da)

かのじょはいしゃだ。 She is a doctor.

(kanojo wa isha da)

Past Form of desu

When you state something that happened in the past, all you have to do is just change desu to deshita in a sentense.

です (desu) → でした (deshita)


● Deshita

かれらはがくせいでした。 They were students.

(karera wa gakusei seshita)

● Desu

かれらはがくせいです。 They are students.

(karera wa gakusei desu)

Past Form of da

When you want to state something that happened in the past informally using da, all you have to do is just chnage desu to deshita in a sentense.

だ (da) → だった (datta)


● Da

わたしはこどもだった。 I was a child.

(watashi wa kodomo datta)

● Datta

わたしはこどもだ。 I'm a child.

(watashi wa kodomo da)

New Vocabulary

1. せんせい Teacher


2. いしゃ Doctor


3. がくせい Student


4. こども child



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