SAQ店はグッドフライデーとイースターマンデーどちらも営業しています。SAQ Express店はイースターサンデーでも通常通り午後10時まで営業しています。しかし、SAQ Sélection & Signature店、ショッピングモールにあるSAQ店は、通常イースターサンデーは営業していません。
(Good Friday - Holiday schedule, Easter Sunday - Regular, Easter Monday - Holiday schedule)
(Reduced schedule. For more info, please visit its website)
(Good Friday - Holiday schedule, Easter Sunday - Regular, Easter Monday - Holiday schedule)
(Good Friday - Saturday schedule, Easter Sunday - Regular, Easter Monday - Saturday schedule)
(Good Friday - Saturday service, Easter Sunday - Regular, Easter Monday - Saturday service)
(All weekend - Regular)
(All weekend - Regular)
Federal and provincial government offices
(All weekend - Closed)
(All weekend - Closed)
(All weekend - closed)
(Good Friday - closed, Easter Sunday - closed, Easter Monday - Regular)
(All weekend - Regular)
Post Offices
(All weekend - Closed)
(Good Friday - Closed, Easter Sunday - 図書館による, Easter Monday - Closed)
(Good Friday - Regular, Easter Sunday - Closed, Easter Monday - Regular)
(Good Friday - Regular, Easter Sunday - Closed, Easter Monday - Regular)
(Good Friday - Regular, Easter Sunday - Closed, Easter Monday - Regular)
(Good Friday - Regular, Easter Sunday - Closed, Easter Monday - Regular)
(Good Friday - Regular, Easter Sunday - Closed, Easter Monday - Regular)
(Good Friday - Regular, Easter Sunday - Closed, Easter Monday - Regular)
(Good Friday - Regular, Easter Sunday - Closed, Easter Monday - Regular)
(Good Friday - Regular, Easter Sunday - Closed, Easter Monday - Regular)
(Good Friday - Regular, Easter Sunday - Closed, Easter Monday - Regular)
(Good Friday - Regular, Easter Sunday - Closed, Easter Monday - Regular)
(Good Friday - Regular, Easter Sunday - Closed, Easter Monday - Regular)
(Good Friday - Regular, Easter Sunday - Closed, Easter Monday - Regular)
(Good Friday - Regular, Easter Sunday - Closed, Easter Monday - Regular)
(Good Friday - Regular, Easter Sunday - Closed, Easter Monday - Regular)
(Good Friday - Regular, Easter Sunday - Closed, Easter Monday - Regular)
(Good Friday - Regular, Easter Sunday - Closed, Easter Monday - Regular)
(Good Friday - Regular, Easter Sunday - Closed, Easter Monday - Regular)
(Good Friday - Regular, Easter Sunday - Closed, Easter Monday - Regular)
(Good Friday - Regular, Easter Sunday - Closed, Easter Monday - Regular)
(Good Friday - 店による, Easter Sunday - Closed, Easter Monday - 店による)
(Good Friday - Regular, Easter Sunday - Closed, Easter Monday - Regular)
Dollar CinemaやScotiabank Theatre Montréalなどの映画館を含め、ほとんどの映画館がイースターの週末を通して営業しています。
(All weekend - Regular)
(All weekend - Regular)
(All weekend - Regular)
(Good Friday - 9 am to 5 pm, Easter Sunday - Regular, Easter Monday - 9 am to 5 pm)
(All weekend - Regular)
(All weekend - Regular - Closed on weekends)
(All weekend - Regular) ファミリーアトラクション
(Good Friday - 9 am to 5 pm, Easter Sunday - Regular, Easter Monday - 9 am to 5 pm)
(All weekend - Regular)
(All weekend - Regular)
(All weekend - Regular)
(Good Friday - Regular, Easter Sunday - Regular, Easter Monday - 11 am to 5 pm)
(Good Friday - Regular, Easter Sunday - Regular, Easter Monday - Closed)
(Closed until 2019 summer for major renovations)
Montreal Casino (18+)
(All weekend - Regular)
(Holy Thursday - 8 am to 4:30 pm: Prayers and visits, 6:30 pm: Doors opening, 7:30 pm: Celebration of The Last Supper, 9 pm to 10 pm: Adoration at the Notre-Dame du Sacré-Coeur Chapel. Good Friday - 8 am to 3 pm: Prayers only, 2:15 pm to 3 pm: Confessions, 3 pm: Celebration of our Lord's Passion, 5:30 pm: Closing of the doors. Holy Saturday - 8 am to 4 pm: Prayers and visits (guided tours in the afternoon only), 7 pm: Opening to the doors, 7:30 pm: Confessions, 8 pm: Easter Vigil, 10:30 pm: Closing. Easter Sunday - Ni guides tous, no visits, 8 am: Mass, 9:30 am: Mass, 11am: Mass, 12:30 pm to 4 pm: Prayers and self-guided visits only, 5 pm: Mass.)
(All weekend - Open)
(Good Friday - Regular, Easter Sunday - Regular, Easter Monday - 9 am to 5 pm)
(Open from May to October)
もし行こうと思っていた場所が閉まっていた場合は、 https://www.private-japanese-tutor.com/events にカナダで開催されている・される予定のイベントが掲載してあるので、ぜひチェックしてみてください!
Have a happy Easter weekend!